We are a group of senior citizens who are residents of the Redwoods Retirement Community, as well as the area of Mill Valley, California. Our average age is 86. We are committed to the search for world peace, social justice, and genuine democracy.
The climate crisis threatens all the values we hold dear.
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In our closing years we strive to serve as role models for our children and grandchildren demonstrating how we must all work together to improve our democracy and to preserve our planet.
We believe...
* That war is not the answer!
* That our best hope for a peaceful world lies in international cooperation and support of the United Nations We aim to be a nation devoted to peaceful relations with all of the world's people.
* That all people are entitled to:
A clean, safe environment
Decent affordable housing
Full employment at fair wages
Affordable education for all
Adequate social security
* That the maintenance and nurturing of our democracy demands an informed, alert and active electorate.
How we began...
Our initial anti-war demonstration was on Friday, January 31, 2003. Ever since, we have continued our street demonstrations for peaceful solutions to continued violence and for social justice. Everyone is welcome to join us on Fridays between 4 and 5 pm. at the corner of Miller Ave. and Camino Alto in Mill Valley.
Since those beginning days we have expanded our activism and educational programs in response to changing social, political and environmental conditions. This website is one way that we reach out to our members and the larger community to report on our work and to invite others to join us.