Let your views be known!
President Joseph Biden
Call Comment Line: 1-202-456-1111
Online: www.whitehouse.gov (use form provided in "Text me")
Card or Letter: The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave., Washington, DC 20500
Senator LaPhonza R. Butler
Local: Washington: 202-224-3841
Online: www.butler.senate.gov (Use "Share your Opinion" form to send an email)
Card or Letter:
G12 Dirksen Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510
Senator Alex Padilla
Local: Washington: 202-224-3553
Online: www.padilla.senate.gov (Use form under "Write to Alex."
Card or Letter: 333 Bush St., Suite 3225, San Francisco, CA 94194
B03 Russell Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20510
Representative Jared Huffman, 2nd Congressional District
Local: 415-258-9657 Washington: 201-225-5161
Online: https://huffman.house.gov (Click "email me" and enter zip code and use form)
Card or Letter: 999 Fifth Ave. Suite 290, San Rafael, CA 94901
1630 Longworth House Bldg., Washington, D.C. 20515
Governor Gavin Newsom
Call: 916-445-2841
Online: www.gov.ca.gov (Click "Contact "to use form)
Card or Letter: 1021 0 Street, Suite 9000, Sacramento, CA 95814
State Senator Mike McGuire, 2nd District
Local: 415-479-6612 Sacramento: 916-651-4002
Online: http://sd02.senate.ca.gov email: senator.mcguire@senate.ca.gov
Card or Letter: 3501 Civic Center Dr., Suite 425 . San Rafael, CA 94903
1303 10th St. Room 5061, Sacramento, CA 95814
State Assembly Member, Damon Connolly 12th District
Local: 415-479-4920 Sacramento: 916-319-2012
Online: https://a12.asmdc.org/ (use form)
Card or Letter: Marin County Civic Center, 3501 Civic Center Dr. #412, San Rafael, CA 94913
State Capital P.O. Box 942849, Sacramento, CA 94249-0012
Supervisor Stephanie Moulton-Peters
Call: 415-473-7331
Email: https://www.marincounty.org/depts/bs/district-3/home (Use link()
Card or Letter: 3501 Civic Center Dr., Suite 329, San Rafael, CA 94903
County of Marin District 3 (website)
Mayor Urban Carmel
Mill Valley City Council
Call: 415-388-4863
Email: ucarmel@cityofmillvalley.org
Card or Letter: 26 Corte Madera Ave., Mill Valley, CA 94941